URL completa del foro: http://www.distribuidora3hp.com/forum/index.php
XMB Versión: 1.9.11
After two atempts to instal version 1.9.11 patch 15 I just coldn´t get it to run the first time.
All I get is this:
The system has failed to process your request. If you're an administrator, please set the DEBUG flag to true in config.php.
After turning on DEBUG mode in Config.php it keeps telling me the same line above.
I have a 1.9.11 version installed at another dir in the web server and runs ok. I just haven´t gone public yet.
Just wanted to install the latest patch from zero to reset all changes I made to the other one.
The frist attempt froze qhen checking the installation requirementes and it never got to build the database completely. Only the information schema
got build.
After debugging I changed the following in mysqli.php:
PHP Version on my Web server: 5.3.29
Bugs encountered and fixed:
File: mysqli.php
Line 302:
Change from: if ( ( $warnings = $query2->fetch_row()[0] ) > 0 ) { This requires PHP version 5.4 or newer
to: if ( ( $warnings = $query2->fetch_row() ) > 0 ) {
Line 378
Change from: $return = $query->fetch_array()[$field]; This requires PHP version 5.4 or newe
to: $return = $query->fetch_array($field);
After that it just keeps giving the error I first mentioned.
I even tried to upgrade the forum but to no avail.
Any help would be appreciate it.
Added later: The above "bugs" are not bugs at all. The original syntax is correct. I just forced the code not to give an error but it does not work as
expected. The reason is explained in the next message.