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Author: Subject: [New] CSS Classes on XMB Themes?

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[*] posted on 12-13-2016 at 03:07 PM
[New] CSS Classes on XMB Themes?

Full Board URL: http://totaltopic.101gamers.com/
XMB Version: 1.9.11


I want to make several themes for my community and release them - mostly ports of AcmlmBoard themes. However, I want to use CSS - what specific classes and IDs can I use in theme.css to customise the theme design?

Thank you for answering.
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Registered: 4-1-2024
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Mood: Optimistic

[*] posted on 6-18-2024 at 08:43 AM

This is a really old thread, in fact I'm the original OP of this thread! but I feel like mentioning there's a few (limited) CSS classes scattered around in the templates. I don't remember the exact specifics but they're definitely lurking around, probably from a point in development where they were being worked on briefly. There's a lot of little nuances like this lurking around in here.

Most of the board uses hardcoded bgcolor and other stuff though, which is... pretty limited to work with unless you start resorting to hacking around a TON using selectors and whatnot, which is annoying and unintuitive. (The ABXD theme I made years ago does this a bit.) Not to mention, the scaling on mobile isn't optimised - someone just put a meta viewport in and called it a day (said viewport also only needs the 'width=max-width" thing and nothing more, and it shows. :P

The things I mentioned should really have an associated CSS class attached to it, along with numerous other things that can be styled like .quote, or .post, .error, .topbar, .postbody things like this. I think this also (IIRC) helps on a semantics level too. This might be as simple as doing a find and replace operation in the templates.xmb file, but I'd be weary of breaking things by doing that...

For mobile 'optimisation', simply hiding unneeded elements will work, though the post table might need to be really messed with in order to display properly...

[insert witty quote here]
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