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RSS Feed Hack
Does anyone know of a RSS feed hack? One that allows feeds to be posted on the forum and if possible also provides the forums rss feed links/page etc.
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Mood: pass me a TimTam
Here's a really old one. It looks like it was based on an old version of xmb, so you probably need to alter it:
1. The first select:
$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT lastpost, fid ,tid, subject FROM {$tablepre}threads ORDER BY lastpost DESC");
Alter to add: WHERE fid IN(fid ids)
fid ids being replaced by the actual forum id numbers seperated by commas, eg: WHERE fid IN(1,5,7)
2. Remove the other SELECTS that look and exclude private forums, as the latest version of xmb handles this differently and point 1 should simplify
Code: |
<?php Header('Content-type: text/xml');
include ('config.php');
$edate=gmdate("D,d M Y H:i:s T");
/////////////////////// Installation ////////////////////////////////
1) Change the configuration settings below to match your requirements
2) Upload this file into your forum directory
3) The RSS Feedlink can be located anywhere on your site
<a href="">
///////////////////// Installation End //////////////////////////////
///////////////// Configuration settings ////////////////////////////
// Required Parameters
$title=""; //The title of your newsfeed
$description=""; //The description of your newsfeed
$linkurl=""; // Link url to your site or forum
$webmaster=""; //e-mail address of site webmaster
$maxnews=10; //The maximum number of news items to display
$copyright=""; // RSS Feed Copyright notice
// Optional Parameters
$imageurl=""; // URL of News Logo/Forum Logo etc
$editor=""; //e-mail address of news editor
$feedstatus=1; //Feedstatus 1 for on 0 for off
$postorder="ASC"; //ASC show first post in thread DESC show last post in thread
$showtopics=0; // Show topics only in feed 1= on 0=off
$category=1; //use forum name as newsitem category 1= on 0 = off
// Custom Error message Configuration
$msgtitle="Forum Feed Is currently Offline";//The title if Newsfeed is offline
$msgdesc="The website administrator has temporarily turned off this RSS feed. Please check again later";//Message to display if feed is offline
$msgsql="The newsfeeed is currently offline. Please try again later"; //message to display if msyql connection fails
///////////////// Configuration End /////////////////////////////////
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
echo "<rss version=\"2.0\">\n";
echo " <channel>\n";
echo " <title>$title</title>\n";
echo " <link>$linkurl</link>\n";
echo " <description>$description</description>\n";
echo " <language>en-us</language>\n";
echo " <copyright>$copyright</copyright>\n";
echo " <generator>XMB Forum RSS Feeder -</generator>\n";
echo " <webMaster>$webmaster</webMaster>\n";
// Additional options display
if ($editor==""){
echo " <managingEditor>$editor</managingEditor>\n";
if ($imageurl==""){
echo " <image>\n";
echo " <title>$title</title>\n";
echo" <url>$imageurl</url>\n";
echo" <link>$linkurl</link>\n";
echo" <description>$description</description>\n";
echo" </image>\n";
case 1:
// Connect to forum and retreive Last 10 Posts
@$dbh = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw)or die ("<item>\n<title>$msgtitle</title>\n<description>$msgsql</description>\n<pubdate>$edate</pubdate>\n</item>\n</channel>\n</rss>");
@$result = mysql_select_db ($dbname, $dbh) or die ("<item>\n<title>$msgtitle</title>\n<description>$msgsql</description>\n<pubdate>$edate</pubdate>\n</item>\n</channel>\n</rss>");
//Latest 10 posts Not showing Private forums
$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT lastpost, fid ,tid, subject FROM {$tablepre}threads ORDER BY lastpost DESC");
while($last = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) {
$query2 = mysql_query("SELECT name,userlist,private FROM {$tablepre}forums WHERE fid =$last[fid]");
$forum =mysql_fetch_array($query2);
//ignore private forums
if (($forum[userlist] == "")and($forum[private]==1)){
//retrieve first post for each thread being displayed
$query3 = mysql_query("SELECT message,author,dateline FROM {$tablepre}posts WHERE fid=$last[fid] AND tid=$last[tid] ORDER BY pid $postorder LIMIT 1");
$content = mysql_fetch_array($query3);
$rawnews= stripslashes($content[message]);
$pdate=gmdate("D,d M Y H:i:s T",$content[dateline]);
$rawtitle = stripslashes($last[subject]);
$rawcat = stripslashes($forum[name]);
//output each forum topic
echo " <item>\n";
if ($category==1){
echo" <category>$newscat</category>\n";
echo " <title><![CDATA[$newstitle]]></title>\n";
// }
echo " <link>$full_url";
echo " <pubDate>$pdate</pubDate>\n";
echo " <description>By: $author\n<![CDATA[$newsbody]]></description>\n";
echo " </item>\n";
if ($x == $maxnews){
case 0:
// Offline output statement
echo" <title>$msgtitle</title>\n";
echo" <pubDate>$edate</pubDate>\n";
echo " <description>$msgdesc</description>\n";
//Finally, close off your XML/RSS tags:
echo " </channel>\n";
echo "</rss> ";
////////////////////// Changelog //////////////////////////////////////
1) included config.php to provide database connection settings
2) added newslogo image support
3) added script configuration settings including no of items to display and ability to turn feed on and off
4) added installation instructions and improved script comments
5)Check and remove all private forums from display
6) Added Copyright info for news
7) Using CDATA and htmlentities to Clean invalid characters from posts (ie £ & etc)
8) Added show first post or last post in thread option
9) Better sql error message now in rss format
10) Added option to Customize error messages
11) Put timestamp as <pubdate> in error feeds
12) Tidied up code and removed un-necessay items from script used during testing
13) Added option to show forum name in Newstitle
14) Using htmlentities to Clean invalid characters from newstitles (ie £ & etc)
15) Removed the forum name in Title infavour of the Item Category option
16) Added the display of the post author in the posd
17) Corrected Link display in each item
18) 24-05-05 Fix added to Topic Titles to correct illegal RSS characters
19) 25-05-04 Added option to Show topic titles only in feed
ToDo List
1) allow feedstatus and configuration to be altered from forum Admin
2) add option to use specific forum for newsfeeds?
3) Join queries like today.php
Posts: 85
Registered: 4-24-2013
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Thank You
I keep getting error on line 43 in my browser which is this
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/name/public_html/forum/rss-file-name.php on line 43
Which is this below
Code: | echo "<?xml version=\"2.0\"?>\n"; |
I've tried changing it to a number of various versions off the top of my head but nothing works, Tried removing it but also no go.
Any idea on what should go there?
Posts: 479
Registered: 6-3-2002
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Mood: pass me a TimTam
Change it back to 1
I reckon the issue is elsewhere, especially if you have altered the code.
If you've made the changes I recommended, upload it here and I'll see if I can see anything obvious.
Posts: 85
Registered: 4-24-2013
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Quote: Originally posted by lottos | Change it back to 1
I reckon the issue is elsewhere, especially if you have altered the code.
If you've made the changes I recommended, upload it here and I'll see if I can see anything obvious.
Doesn't matter what I try nothing changes the error message.
Here's the file.
Am I just supposed to add a RSS link into one of the posts for this to work?
Attachment: ozy_rss.php (5kB) This file has been downloaded 632 times
Posts: 479
Registered: 6-3-2002
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Mood: pass me a TimTam
$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT lastpost, fid, tid, WHERE fid IN[1,3] threads ORDER BY lastpost DESC");
$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT lastpost, fid, tid, WHERE fid IN(1,3) threads ORDER BY lastpost DESC");
Posts: 85
Registered: 4-24-2013
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Quote: Originally posted by lottos | Replace
$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT lastpost, fid, tid, WHERE fid IN[1,3] threads ORDER BY lastpost DESC");
$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT lastpost, fid, tid, WHERE fid IN(1,3) threads ORDER BY lastpost DESC"); |
I already tried that before and just changed it back to (). No Difference.
Maybe it is me testing it wrong. How should I be testing this?
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Registered: 6-3-2002
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Mood: pass me a TimTam
You need to get the code correct before it will run.
You have one too many closing } somewhere - when you removed some of the code you missed removing it.
Posts: 479
Registered: 6-3-2002
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Mood: pass me a TimTam
A newer one, which is the one used on this very forum (preview either via the link along the header to the right of the search, or via ):
Code: |
* eXtreme Message Board
* XMB 1.9.11
* RSS Feed Add-On
* Version 0.1 BETA by Robert Chapin (miqrogroove)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
define('X_SCRIPT', 'feed.xml.php');
// Configurable, edit as you like!
define('MAX_RSS_ITEMS', 10);
require 'header.php';
$fid = getInt('fid');
$fids = loadFIDs();
if ($fid > 0) {
if (!in_array($fid, $fids)) {
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
error('404 Not Found');
} else {
$fids = array($fid);
$forum = getForum($fid);
$link = "{$full_url}forumdisplay.php?fid=$fid";
$title = rss_cdata(fnameOut($forum['name']));
$desc = rss_cdata(html_entity_decode($forum['description']));
} else {
$link = $full_url;
$title = $SETTINGS['bbname'];
$desc = $lang['alttodayposts'];
if (count($fids) == 0) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
error('The forums have not been configured for guest access yet.');
$fids = implode(',', $fids);
$query = $db->query(
"SELECT t.*, MIN(p.dateline) AS firstpost
FROM ".X_PREFIX."threads AS t
LEFT JOIN ".X_PREFIX."posts AS p USING (tid)
WHERE t.fid IN ($fids) AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved%'
GROUP BY t.tid
if ($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
$lastpost = explode('|', $row['lastpost']);
$build = '<lastBuildDate>'.date('r', $lastpost[0]).'</lastBuildDate>';
$db->data_seek($query, 0);
} else {
$build = '';
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='{$lang['charset']}' ?>\n";
<rss version="2.0">
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
<link><?php echo $link; ?></link>
<description><?php echo $desc; ?></description>
<language><?php echo $lang['iso639']; ?></language>
<generator><?php echo $versionlong; ?></generator>
<?php echo "$build\n"; ?>
while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
<title><?php echo rawHTMLsubject(stripslashes($thread['subject'])); ?></title>
<link><?php echo "{$full_url}viewthread.php?tid={$thread['tid']}"; ?></link>
<guid><?php echo "{$full_url}viewthread.php?tid={$thread['tid']}"; ?></guid>
<pubDate><?php echo date('r', $thread['firstpost']); ?></pubDate>
} // wend
//loadFIDs returns an array of forum and subforum IDs accessible by Guests.
function loadFIDs() {
$forums = permittedForums(forumCache(), 'thread', 'array', TRUE, 'Guest');
$fids = array();
foreach($forums as $forum) {
if ($forum['type'] != 'group') {
$fids[] = $forum['fid'];
return $fids;
function rss_cdata($input) {
return "<![CDATA[$input]]>";
Posts: 85
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Thank You But I am still getting an error message
Internet Explorer cannot display this feed
This feed contains code errors.
Go back to the previous page.
More information
Invalid at the top level of the document.
Line: 71 Character: 7
But looking at the file line 71 has this on it
Code: | $db->data_seek($query, 0); |
and </rss> is on line 99 with nothing as character 7 as there only 6 characters in this.
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Quote: Originally posted by lottos | You need to get the code correct before it will run.
You have one too many closing } somewhere - when you removed some of the code you missed removing it. |
That wouldn't surprise me as php although I am trying it has never been my strong suit.
You know I'll tell ya something, I'm a fully Qualified PastryChef, chef, baker, account, and done Law for 10yrs, a 4x4 fanatic, I relocate houses
(that's a whole house), I've created and managed multi million dollar businesses, been around Australia 3 times just to name a few (the point is I am
no idiot) BUT I just for some reason can't get my head around this PHP stuff. HTML is fine but php just has me beat at the moment.
But I am working at it everyday as I'm semi-retired now and have the time.
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Mood: pass me a TimTam
Everyone has to learn somehow!
Not sure why that newer script is erroring. I assume you've made no changes to it? Have you tried with another browser like FireFox?
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Quote: Originally posted by lottos | Everyone has to learn somehow!
Not sure why that newer script is erroring. I assume you've made no changes to it? Have you tried with another browser like FireFox?
Correct no changes made.
Just tried in Firefox and it does work.
I mostly IE-10 in win8
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Now is it possible to get feeds displayed say on a topic board.
I remember years ago when I was using smf I had a rss hack that when I placed a RSS link in the description panel it displayed feeds say 10 new feeds
everyday into that board each in there own posts under that rss feed heading.
Brings new content to the forum automatically on a daily bases or weekly depending on the admin settings.
Nothing like that is there?
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Quote: Originally posted by lottos | Everyone has to learn somehow!
Not sure why that newer script is erroring. I assume you've made no changes to it? Have you tried with another browser like FireFox?
I have fixed the IE issue by removing these lines at the bottom
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It now works in IE
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Registered: 6-3-2002
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Mood: pass me a TimTam
Quote: Originally posted by Phil1ooo | Quote: Originally posted by lottos | Everyone has to learn somehow!
Not sure why that newer script is erroring. I assume you've made no changes to it? Have you tried with another browser like FireFox?
I have fixed the IE issue by removing these lines at the bottom
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It now works in IE
Cheers |
That made me smile.... you copied more than what was in the code box!
I'm curious as to why you would want the RSS feed on your own website? Doesn't 'Todays Posts' already provide the most up to date topics?
In any case, you need to convert the RSS back - there are plenty of examples on the web for this, one example see post 7 on this site:
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Not sure how it got there then but anyway it's fixed now.
As for wanting the rss feed, I originally didn't want it for my own website but wanted to be able to display other rss feeds ON my website in certain
For forums with little content rss feeds put in content automatically.
I'll look into what you provided.
Thanks heaps for all your help on this.
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Posts: 479
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Mood: pass me a TimTam
Looks great!
I see:
posted on 11-5-2013 at 04:37 PM
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Posts: 85
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Thank You
Like I said this should update with new/updated content every hour.
I hope that part works. (cross fingers) LOL
When I know it's working I can offer this to users so they can generate their own feed links from any website and install the code to access feeds.
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