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Author: Subject: Chatbox On Main Page

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[*] posted on 10-10-2012 at 11:19 PM
Chatbox On Main Page

I want to add a chatbox/shoutbox on the main page of my forum preferred under the "Your Personal Features" section. I would rather the shoutbox to be visible only to registered members so that it only shows up after login. If there is already a hack for this I would like a link to a page on how to install one. I have searched by didn't come up with anything. I have a shoutbox code of my own that I can use or if there is one designed for XMB that would be fine to use also.

I'm referring to just a basic chatbox that stores messages that you see on personal websites, not a chatroom.
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[*] posted on 11-30-2012 at 07:28 PM

It's been over a month since I posted this topic to get help with this. Can someone please reply :)
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[*] posted on 12-2-2012 at 09:57 PM

I know what a shoutbox is, but what is the difference between a chatbox and a chatroom? :P

A shoutbox... We once had a thing like that.
Don't know where it is right now.
If you have a script you want to use, feel free to do so.
In the meanwhile, I'll see if I have a few free minutes this week to see what I can come up with.
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[*] posted on 12-3-2012 at 12:12 AM

Chatbox is another name for shoutbox. Some personal site owners call them a chatbox but it means the same as shoutbox.

I wanted to add a shoutbox to my forum under the banner menu or under the "Your Personal Features" menu, and to have it only be viewed when logged in. I'll accept which ever you can manage to come up with either it be a chatroom or a shoutbox
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Jason Fairmount
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[*] posted on 12-6-2012 at 10:02 AM


Long time viewer. I have a version of a shoutbox/chatbox myself on my own community-driven website, "Garden Network", that also shows up on a member's profile.
(Note: some areas are NotWorkSafe)


We used a version of a shoutbox called "wtag" -- whose author is long gone, unfortunately.
Working Demo - http://www.phpcandy.com/

JF 2021 Update: With the rise of chatboxes showing up on the lower right hand corner on a LOT of websites, popular PHP chatboxes seem to have been discontinued or lost in obscurity. Some have also been transformed into subscription-based models for CMS engines like WordPress and Joomla. You can TRY to find something on a site like Codester ( https://codester.com - it looks like EnvatoMarket for those in the know), but I believe your best bet after 2021 would be integrating something like Titan Embeds ( https://titanembeds.com ) for Discord if you're technical enough. If not, I apologize in advance and hope you find what you're looking for.

If you managed to get your own chatbox working, I can help you modify the "Your Personal Features" menu to allow this link to show up.

In the Templates - find index_welcome_member
Scroll down and find:

<tr class="category"> <td colspan="3">

Replace with
<tr class="category"> <td colspan="4">

While you are on the same area ( index_welcome_member)
Scroll down and find:

<td width="33%"><a href="memcp.php"><strong>$lang[textusercp]</strong></a></td> <td width="33%"><a href="u2u.php" onclick="Popup(this.href,'Window', 700, 450); return false;"><strong>{$lang['textu2umessenger']}</strong></a></td> <td width="33%"><a href="buddy.php" onclick="Popup(this.href, 'Window', 450, 400); return false;"><strong>{$lang['launchbuddylist']}</strong></a></td>

replace with
<td width="25%"><a href="memcp.php"><strong>$lang[textusercp]</strong></a></td> <td width="25%"><a href="u2u.php" onclick="Popup(this.href,'Window', 700, 450); return false;"><strong>{$lang['textu2umessenger']}</strong></a></td> <td width="25%"><a href="buddy.php" onclick="Popup(this.href, 'Window', 450, 400); return false;"><strong>{$lang['launchbuddylist']}</strong></a></td> <td width="25%"><a href="Full-Link-To-Chatbox" onclick="Popup(this.href, 'Window', 450, 400); return false;"><strong>Chatbox</strong></a></td>

For that last line, there's the two measurements. Change them to fit your desired chatbox size -- from 450x400 to something else, even 700x500.
You will also see the link "Full-Link-To-Chatbox". My shoutbox is a single file (and had a small footnote), so I was able to upload my file onto the XMB forum directory. You may find it easier to simply enter the full link on there.

You can't really mess up too much; what we did was shrink the existing boxes to 25%, and made room for the new link. You can revert this at any time by using the original reference code above.

Hope this helps.
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[*] posted on 12-6-2012 at 08:32 PM

Thanks for the reply. But want a physical chatbox to be displayed on my forum (not a link) that can only be viewed when signed in (to keep guest from posting). I have my own chatbox code I'd like to use.
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Jason Fairmount
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[*] posted on 12-6-2012 at 09:12 PM

No problem.
In index_welcome_member, find:
<tr class="ctrtablerow" bgcolor="$altbg2"> <td width="33%"><a href="memcp.php"><strong>$lang[textusercp]</strong></a></td> <td width="33%"><a href="u2u.php" onclick="Popup(this.href,'Window', 700, 450); return false;"><strong>{$lang['textu2umessenger']}</strong></a></td> <td width="33%"><a href="buddy.php" onclick="Popup(this.href, 'Window', 450, 400); return false;"><strong>{$lang['launchbuddylist']}</strong></a></td> </tr>

Add in (after that closing tag):
<tr bgcolor="$altbg2"> <td colspan="3"> Spacer </td> </tr>

With the word "Spacer", replace that word with all of the embed code you have for the chatbox. It should show up afterwards.

The chatbox probably won't be centered, but there might be additional CSS styles in the chatbox. Let me know if it works or if you want to stylize it more.
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[*] posted on 12-6-2012 at 10:38 PM

Oh my God it works and looks great :tumble: It's perfect and just the way I wanted it. Thanks for the help :thumbup:

I used center tags to get it centered.
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