That functionality doesn't exist, however I think if you edit the post.php file and look for:
Code: |
$subquery = $db->query("SELECT, m.lastvisit, m.ppp, m.status, m.langfile "
. "FROM ".X_PREFIX."favorites f "
. "INNER JOIN ".X_PREFIX."members m USING (username) "
. "WHERE f.type = 'subscription' AND f.tid = $tid AND m.username != '$username' AND m.lastvisit >= $date");
and change it to:
Code: |
$subquery = $db->query("SELECT email, lastvisit, ppp, status, langfile "
. "FROM ".X_PREFIX."members "
. "WHERE lastvisit >= $date");
it could well work. It is untested however.
Other modifications you may be interested in are listed here: