Karma Bugs
Bug #1: The karma_timepermem field is spelled wrong in karma_member.inc.php
Bug #2: There is a comma missing on line 10 of the karmalog definition query in install.php
Bug #3: karmalog needs to be added to the list of tables in header.php.
Bug #4: Checks should be added to ensure a member's username does not contain any member status names, due to the way the Karma settings are
No cheats or security issues discovered.
Fixed, Karma v3.3
If you had trouble installing v3.2, this one should work better.
If you want to upgrade from v3.2, just copy the the two new karma files to your /include/ directory.
Download: karma-3.3.zip
Added Mouser's uninstall patch to v3.3 and it's in the zip file now.
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Registered: 5-5-2008
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Will install this weekend, thanks!!