XMB Forum Software

unusual url link test

lottos - 10-7-2020 at 10:27 AM



looks like ': D' [without the space] is an issue in the url

miqrogroove - 10-8-2020 at 12:38 PM

I'm surprised it works at all. The img code, for example, won't allow the colon character in a URL. And while many applications are sloppy with encoding special characters, the colon is officially unsafe. You can work around this by properly replacing the colon with %3A. That's not a good user experience though. Probably an old bug.

miqrogroove - 10-14-2020 at 10:57 PM

Taking another look at this tonight.

We have "Disable Smilies" as another workaround.

Some of the changes since 1.9.11 to accommodate square braces will help make this easier to fix. I'm not sure yet if it's a small fix or something that will wait for later.

lottos - 10-14-2020 at 11:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by miqrogroove  
Taking another look at this tonight.

We have "Disable Smilies" as another workaround.

Some of the changes since 1.9.11 to accommodate square braces will help make this easier to fix. I'm not sure yet if it's a small fix or something that will wait for later.

First time I've come across it, but thought it should be mentioned in case it becomes more prevalent.

miqrogroove - 10-15-2020 at 01:51 AM

Fixed now. The remaining smilie is yours. Garbage in, garbage out. :D

miqrogroove - 10-15-2020 at 02:08 AM

I don't see anything broken by the new patch.

Just have to decide whether or not to tackle one more bug before releasing 1.9.12...


lottos - 10-15-2020 at 04:16 AM

Just checking!


miqrogroove - 10-15-2020 at 12:41 PM

Whatever that's supposed to be, we don't support it unless it's inside a url tag.

lottos - 10-17-2020 at 12:05 AM

Facebook images out of the question [due to their timestamp at the end of the image type]?

Facebook link:
[img]https://scontent.fsyd4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/121123287_3671821399495581_8838941427616089861_o.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=730e14& _nc_ohc=CsumgbFlwQwAX83LwCS&_nc_ht=scontent.fsyd4-1.fna&tp=6&oh=001a8d63f18789389038dd2c88ac79c5&oe=5FB0EB74[/img]

Facebook link less timestamp, removed portion after .jpg but informs me as
[bad img]

Instagram test [from https://newscrewdriver.com/2018/07/18/embedding-an-instagram-post-with-bbcode-without-plugin/]:

media.jpg - 15kB

lottos - 10-17-2020 at 12:08 AM

hmmm, perhaps Insta's won't work after the 24th of this month: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram/oembed.

BBcode for Facebook and Instagram, or members just download the image and upload is the alternative.

miqrogroove - 10-17-2020 at 09:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lottos  
Facebook images out of the question [due to their timestamp at the end of the image type]?

What you have there is simply a bad link. I can't even open it in my browser. It might be some form of hotlink protection on their CDN?