Notes on XMB development
The new patch level is still unfinished. I just have some ideas that need to be saved for its release.
There is a new schema_version number 9 in the SVN trunk that will be included with the next release.
There is a corresponding new function in the upgrade script. The install and the upgrade have both been tested on PHP 8.4. The schema upgrade will
be optional. The trunk scripts are completely compatible with both schemas 8 and 9.
Schema 9 adds partial support for IPv6 clients. In the past, these client addresses could not be saved in the 15-char fields and would cause various
warnings and errors in all versions of XMB. In the previous patch level I started to standardize the member insertion SQL code, and this had the
effect of blocking the XMB installer in my IPv6-enabled test environment. Now in schema 8, IPv6 addresses will be set to empty, and in schema 9, IPv6
addresses will be saved as plain text.
As a reminder, the upgrade script will reload all templates and all English strings. If customized, these two areas should be manually backed up with
the database, then either exported or merged with the new files.