I saw someone requesting a Shoutbox ... All I can offer is this hack from a very long time ago.
The hack itself will work just fine, problem is ... the coding needs to be updated to use the XMB 1.9.11 functions.
So in case someone feels like updating ... Enjoy
Hack Name: Profile Tagboard
Description: This hack will add a Tagboard to the members profile.
With a option in the profile to turn it On and Off.
And an extra option to receive U2U's when a tag has been received.
Compatibility: XMB 1.9.6 Nexus
Version: 1.0
Code Designed By: Unknown
Re-written & revised by: FunForum
License Note: This mod is released under the GPL License.
Notes: Backup all affected files and templates before attempting to install this hack.
1.9.6_Profile_Tagboard.zip (4kB)
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