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XMB Contributor
Posts: 202
Registered: 4-14-2008
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Mood: Christmasy. Yes, in September.
Odd, worked fine on my tests.
When I copied from my own post, the line breaks were gone. So here it is in TXT format.
Please note, it will not ban you as an admin..
Attachment: 12345.txt (3kB) This file has been downloaded 332 times
Posts: 24
Registered: 8-27-2013
Member Is Offline
here is the end of my config. I placed the code at the end of the debug mode and before the end of the file.
Quote: |
// Debug-mode
* To turn on DEBUG mode (you can then see ALL queries done at the bottom of each screen (except buddy-list & u2u)
* just uncomment this variable. These queries are ONLY visible to the user currently loading that page
* and ONLY visible to Super Administrators. Comment first line and uncomment second line to use debug mode.
define('DEBUG', FALSE);
// define('DEBUG', TRUE);
* To enable logging of all MySQL errors (necessary in the case of registration, login, or captcha errors), comment first
* line and uncomment second line. Note the log file will be visible to the public unless it is protected
* by your web server configuration. The file name will be 'error_log' unless you change the PHP configuration.
* If the chmod settings of this directory prevent file Write then the log will not be created.
// define('LOG_MYSQL_ERRORS', TRUE);
//IP Range Banning
$banned_ranges = array (
// Do not edit below this line.
// ---------------------------
?> |
are my IP ranges ok ... just want a blanket range while I test and will replace later with correct ranges.
in the functions file I found the last function and added the new code above the end of the file. As mentioned i renamed the function to ip_ban_range
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function nonce_use($key, $nonce, $expire = 0) {
global $db;
$key = substr($key, 0, X_NONCE_KEY_LEN);
$time = time() - X_NONCE_MAX_AGE;
$sql_expire = "dateline < $time";
if ($expire > 0 and $expire < X_NONCE_MAX_AGE) {
$time = time() - $expire;
$sql_expire .= " OR imagestring='$key' AND dateline < $time";
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".X_PREFIX."captchaimages WHERE $sql_expire");
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".X_PREFIX."captchaimages WHERE imagehash='$nonce' AND imagestring='$key'");
return ($db->affected_rows() === 1);
function ip_ban_range ($ip) {
global $banned_ranges;
$long_ip = ip2long ($ip);
if ($long_ip != -1) {
foreach ($banned_ranges AS $pri_addr) {
list ($start, $end) = explode('|', $pri_addr);
if ($long_ip >= ip2long ($start) && $long_ip <= ip2long ($end)) {
return true;
return false;
and finally header having chaned the function call to ip_ban_range as well
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// Check if the client is ip-banned
if ($SETTINGS['ip_banning'] == 'on') {
$ips = explode(".", $onlineip);
$query = $db->query("SELECT id FROM ".X_PREFIX."banned WHERE ((ip1='$ips[0]' OR ip1='-1') AND (ip2='$ips[1]' OR ip2='-1') AND (ip3='$ips[2]' OR
ip3='-1') AND (ip4='$ips[3]' OR ip4='-1')) AND NOT (ip1='-1' AND ip2='-1' AND ip3='-1' AND ip4='-1')");
$result = $db->num_rows($query);
if ($result > 0) {
// Block all non-admins
$serror = 'ip';
if ( ip_ban_range($onlineip) ) {
$serror = 'ip';
one thing to note - If i only put in one range| it makes no difference and i simply get the you are not registered or logged in
Posts: 24
Registered: 8-27-2013
Member Is Offline
any ideas mouser? what range did you put in to test?
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