The timing needs some thought too.flushedpancake - 12-31-2024 at 08:20 AM
In favour. I'm way more familiar with git than svn and I imagine any younger coders who might be around feel the same way too.
It'd be worth emailing/U2Uing any former contributors here to grab their attention in any case so they can watch/star or maybe even contribute to the
new repo on their github account(s) if they have one.miqrogroove - 1-1-2025 at 01:24 AM
One of the compelling aspects of Github is that anyone can open a fork and a pull request with just a few clicks. It might encourage some random
folks to contribute.flushedpancake - 1-1-2025 at 04:44 AM
It would make searching parts of the repository from a remote location easier, too. This is something I've wanted to do for a while.
Then again, given we already have a self-hosted bug tracker, it might be wiser to go the self-hosted approach for the repo, too.miqrogroove - 1-1-2025 at 08:03 PM
Github does allow free-text searches on the master branch. It doesn't cover any tags or other branches though.
I'm going to see if I can migrate the SVN database before releasing - 1-2-2025 at 06:36 PM
It still links to the SVN on the homepage. Just letting you know.
I'd ask what your plans are for 1.10.00 other than what appear to be a major code reorganisation but it's early days and also offtopic for this
thread.miqrogroove - 1-2-2025 at 11:00 PM
It's also an enormous lift. By the time the code is all reorganized, there will be many decisions needed about what makes the new version "complete".
I'm not opposed to just releasing a reorganized version with some of the less popular features removed. That would be better than getting bogged
down in never-ending feature development.
I'll refresh the front page more, thanks.flushedpancake - 1-5-2025 at 03:05 PM
I think that's the best way - get the internals done and dusted and ready to go, out of the way so we can prepare for later feature additons.
Adding features during such a preliminary and radical restructuring would be risky and irritating, to say the least.miqrogroove - 1-5-2025 at 04:46 PM
Both cp.php and cp2.php have been removed in the master branch. They are replaced by a large number of smaller scripts and template files.
It was necessary to prioritize those because a workable settings panel uncomplicates the testing of the front end features.