I installed a new forum for testing (XMB ARABIC FORUM)
As an admin I can not delete , pumb or copy post
All post operations by admin or moderator get the msg error
You are not permitted to perform this operation
Any solution??
lottos - 5-21-2020 at 01:13 AM
Doesn't appear to be a standard install as it loads portal.php
First thing would be to look at whether you followed the install correctly, especially this part:
If you are confident you did, then do another XMB test install, without ANY modifications and see if the admin issues you reported work on the new
test board. If they do, then the most likely issue if that you either got the portal install incorrect or the portal modification has issues.bfgadmin - 6-19-2020 at 09:37 PM
alkutob, lottos seems to be spot on here.
If you are still having issues, can you attach/share all the PHP files you had to modify for the portal install?