pandabear34 - 2-13-2019 at 01:42 AM
The instructions are telling me to:
* Find Code:
if (strpos($memberinfo['site'], 'http') === false) {
$memberinfo['site'] = "http://$memberinfo[site]";
But none of that is in my member.php. I can't find it to add the code I need to below it.
* Add Code Above:
// Start - Shop Hack v3
$fcolor = $Spre = $Ssuf = $pphoto = '';
if ( !empty($memberinfo['hexcolor']) && ($memberinfo['hexcolormem'] == 'on' || $SHOP['memproopt'] == 'off') ) {
$fcolor .= ' color="#'.$memberinfo['hexcolor'].'"';
if ( !empty($fcolor) ) {
$Spre .= '<font '.$fcolor.'>';
$Ssuf .= '</font>';
if ( !empty($memberinfo['pphoto']) && ($memberinfo['pphotomem'] == 'on' || $SHOP['memproopt'] == 'off') ) {
eval('$pphoto = "'.template('member_profile_pphoto').'";');
$items = '';
if ( $SHOP['allowitems'] == 'on' && ($memberinfo['allowitems'] == 'on' || $SHOP['memproopt'] == 'off') ) {
$memitem = $db->query("SELECT i.itemname, i.imageurl, m.quantity FROM ".X_PREFIX."shop_items i, ".X_PREFIX."member_items m WHERE
m.uid='$memberinfo[uid]' && ORDER BY i.itemname");
while($item = $db->fetch_array($memitem)) {
$itemquantity = ($item['quantity'] > 1 ? ' ('.$item['quantity'].')' : '');
if ( empty($item['imageurl']) ) {
$items .= '<img src="./images/shop/noitempic.gif" border="0" alt="'.$item['itemname'].'">'.$itemquantity.'
} else {
$items .= '<img src="'.$item['imageurl'].'" border="0" alt="'.$item['itemname'].'">'.$itemquantity.' ';
if ( empty($items) ) {
$item_list = '';
} else {
eval('$item_list = "'.template('shop_items_profile').'";');
// End - Shop Hack v3