XMB Forum Software

It's been a good ride with xmb to say the least.

Mr B - 9-8-2015 at 02:11 PM

It was June 6th, 2001 when I installed my first xmb forum. I asked for assistance from one of the staffers to install it for me. A nice young man (Ben) 15 replied to my request. 14 years later I still look to xmb first for an updated forum I can use. Now it seems obvious that it not going to happen.

I'm saddened by the demise of this once great forum format. My thanks to the founders and the support staff that were able to come together and make something so great. My thoughts and prayers to all.

Thanks from a loyal user of xmb. It is now time for me to look for a newer format for the 5 forums I operate. Not a task I look forward to.

cheers.gif - 2kBcheers.gif - 2kBbowingsmilie.gif - 2kBgrouphugg.gif - 19kB

John Briggs - 12-1-2015 at 02:59 AM

Life goes on for everyone eventually. XMB has survived much. Best wishes.:)

DixieKongJD - 2-7-2016 at 10:47 AM

So, is XMB dead? The last bug fix appears to date from 2012, there hasn't been a single new post in over 2 months, and the last release not including bug fixes dates to 2009.

I think it appears to be a good software which seems retro to use, but what happened to its development and such? Is there some sort of continuation of the board software?

Dart - 7-15-2016 at 10:58 PM

Sure wish it was still being supported and upgraded. My favorite forum I've ever used, and our squads have used it for soooo long we have large boards and don't want to switch to another. I have zero knowledge on how to code, so I have had to rely on XMB's community. Is it ever going to get support again?

John Briggs - 7-19-2016 at 04:55 PM

XMB is a two way street. There was a huge disconnect with the community which was what drives XMB and always has. Without it there is not much of an evolution for XMB.

DeltaRedSpiker - 11-4-2016 at 10:24 PM

Dart: There is little hope, but there is still a future that could arrive for XMB.

The best idea would be to spread word around communities to help support XMB Forum at the current time. I'm using XMB Forum at the moment, for my new forum and most of my current user base like the forum so far.

Daf - 11-4-2016 at 10:24 PM

Hey John! Long time, man! I think about XMB from time to time, thought I would actually drop by and see what was up. Quite a bit has changed for sure!

A nice young man (Ben) 15 replied to my request.

Ah - that was Ben! I miss the old gang! Ben, Tularis, Rev, John and so many whose names escapes me. Good times. Sorry to see XMB didn't catch on. :(

Take care everyone!

JulioFranco - 6-7-2017 at 02:02 PM

No "goodbyes" from me. Hoping to one day see a resurrection of XMB.

XMB still appears to me to be the best Forum software. Skins are available, and are easy to modify or create your own. The functionality is outstanding, with many useful user settings and the U2U internal messaging system.

Most other Forums seem to be elementary and child-like, but that's what frequently succeeds in today's world of brainless communications, limited functionality, and short attention spans. Think Facebook, texting, Twitter, etc. It is next to impossible to publish something of substance that is built to last and provide easy searching and logical structuring.

XMB helps tremendously in gathering together information, making it readily available, presentable, and to clearly collaborate among information contributors.

It's not perfect, but it meets many of the needs currently not being provided by the aforementioned products and organizations. When packaged for use with a palate of appropriate web apps, excellent/unique websites can be built and maintained. Without the inherent constraints which have been imposed for years by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc. It depends upon what one wishes to accomplish.

If all one prefers to do is sit around and chuckle at photos of someone's toddler, their cat, or pass-around the latest gossip, mean-spirited writings, or troll musings, then FB, Twitter, or other social media is meant for you!

If one wants to publish something meaningful, to be searched and referenced repeatedly, inviting collaborative feedback which is professionally presented, then XMB makes for an excellent foundation.

Vanilla Lumina - 6-16-2017 at 03:19 AM

I agree with JulioFranco's post. Take a look at XenForo, it seriously overdoes the amount of bloat, while XMB is made to be lightweight and fast. I can load an XMB site (this one at least) on a 2G connection relatively quickly, while XenForo takes ages because apparently the modern web requires a website to be fancy and be at least several megabytes of size. Really, should a forum be as bloated as some social media? I don't think so!

XMB also still looks professional and mature, at the same time as being lightweight and fast. It has pretty much all the features you need to get going and it just works.

Again, I agree with the skins. They are rather easy to make and they seem to look pretty good at times. You just need to know good design in order to make one unlike other forum software which require you to mess with per-theme templating and such. It also keeps everything consistent.

As for XMB's status, I noticed fairly recent activity on the bug tracker (from April 2017, so 2 months ago), meaning at least one person out there cares enough to bring bugs to attention. I'm hoping a release of surfaces at least to add something like MySQLi support. ^^

Xian - 9-12-2017 at 12:32 PM

The wait is over folks. I think I may have successfully ported XMB to mysqli. I just need some brave souls to beta test it for me.

Let me know if you guys are interested.

Good to se Daf and John Briggs are still around!

Mark - 9-12-2017 at 07:16 PM

Hey guys,

It's been a while since I was here/4 years+ since posting :)

Logged in on a whim and was surprised to see I'm a moderator!

John Briggs - 9-14-2017 at 03:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Hey guys,

It's been a while since I was here/4 years+ since posting :)

Logged in on a whim and was surprised to see I'm a moderator!

Hey Mark. How are you buddy?

Mark - 9-14-2017 at 06:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by John Briggs  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Hey guys,

It's been a while since I was here/4 years+ since posting :)

Logged in on a whim and was surprised to see I'm a moderator!

Hey Mark. How are you buddy?

I'm very well, thank you mate.

How about yourself?

John Briggs - 9-15-2017 at 07:09 AM

I am good. Thinking about digging up my xmb archives and trying to relearn php and port some of my old mods to the latest version. Life is as good as can be. No complaints.:cool:

Scarlet - 9-15-2017 at 11:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
The wait is over folks. I think I may have successfully ported XMB to mysqli. I just need some brave souls to beta test it for me.

Let me know if you guys are interested.

Good to se Daf and John Briggs are still around!

You could always try running it on a test server on localhost or something, if it works, I'll be very interested since I run an XMB Forum site and want to use PHP 7. :)

Xian - 9-15-2017 at 06:06 PM

I did test this on a localhost dev server running:

Apache 2.4.27
MariaDB 10.1.26
PHP 7.1.8

If more people can beta test this besides me it would be better.

I'm sure that some hacks might also need modifications for this.

Scarlet - 9-15-2017 at 08:21 PM

Works good on PHP 5.6 latest version and MySQL 5.5, need to upgrade to PHP 7 on my server and test it there at some point. :)

Mark - 9-15-2017 at 10:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by John Briggs  
I am good. Thinking about digging up my xmb archives and trying to relearn php and port some of my old mods to the latest version. Life is as good as can be. No complaints.:cool:

Sounds good! I've been a professional full-stack dev for the last 6 years now, maybe thinking about having a relook at XMB, and seeing if I can jazz it up with some more advanced features.

Scarlet - 9-15-2017 at 10:07 PM

That'd be pretty sweet of you if you could do that Mark. ;)

Xian - 9-16-2017 at 03:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Quote: Originally posted by John Briggs  
I am good. Thinking about digging up my xmb archives and trying to relearn php and port some of my old mods to the latest version. Life is as good as can be. No complaints.:cool:

Sounds good! I've been a professional full-stack dev for the last 6 years now, maybe thinking about having a relook at XMB, and seeing if I can jazz it up with some more advanced features.

Good to hear from you again Mark! Hopefully we all can revive XMB!

Mark - 9-16-2017 at 04:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Quote: Originally posted by John Briggs  
I am good. Thinking about digging up my xmb archives and trying to relearn php and port some of my old mods to the latest version. Life is as good as can be. No complaints.:cool:

Sounds good! I've been a professional full-stack dev for the last 6 years now, maybe thinking about having a relook at XMB, and seeing if I can jazz it up with some more advanced features.

Good to hear from you again Mark! Hopefully we all can revive XMB!

Xian, good to hear from you too!

I've been looking to get my teeth into a new open source project for a while now.

From what I recall XMB 2.0 never gained any traction, so perhaps it's time to restart?
I have some ideas already if anyone wants to hear them?

Also, who owns xmbforum.com domain and would we be able to get it back?

Xian - 9-16-2017 at 05:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Quote: Originally posted by John Briggs  
I am good. Thinking about digging up my xmb archives and trying to relearn php and port some of my old mods to the latest version. Life is as good as can be. No complaints.:cool:

Sounds good! I've been a professional full-stack dev for the last 6 years now, maybe thinking about having a relook at XMB, and seeing if I can jazz it up with some more advanced features.

Good to hear from you again Mark! Hopefully we all can revive XMB!

Xian, good to hear from you too!

I've been looking to get my teeth into a new open source project for a while now.

From what I recall XMB 2.0 never gained any traction, so perhaps it's time to restart?
I have some ideas already if anyone wants to hear them?

Also, who owns xmbforum.com domain and would we be able to get it back?

Ah.. I remember the talks way back when we discussed 2.0.

I tried to look up that domain also to see if we can re-gain control of it. Apparently something happened with iEntry:


I'm not sure if anything can be done with the domain.

Perhaps we utilize xmbforum.net? or .org?

Mark - 9-16-2017 at 05:15 PM

That's rather disappointing...

xmbforum.org would be fine too, but if iEntry own all the rights to it then we wouldn't be able to make it official.

The last thing I would want to propose is a name change

Xian - 9-16-2017 at 05:25 PM

That's the part that confuses me also. xmb has always been open source. He shouldn't have owned the rights to it. It was created by the community in part.

Mark - 9-16-2017 at 05:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
That's the part that confuses me also. xmb has always been open source. He shouldn't have owned the rights to it. It was created by the community in part.

Then I see no reason not to buy xmbforum.org

Xian - 9-16-2017 at 05:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
That's the part that confuses me also. xmb has always been open source. He shouldn't have owned the rights to it. It was created by the community in part.

Then I see no reason not to buy xmbforum.org

Neither do I. Hopefully others will weigh in on this.

Mark - 9-16-2017 at 05:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
That's the part that confuses me also. xmb has always been open source. He shouldn't have owned the rights to it. It was created by the community in part.

Then I see no reason not to buy xmbforum.org

Neither do I. Hopefully others will weigh in on this.

I see the Super Admins don't visit anymore, but lottos is thankfully still around.
Any likelihood in them returning?

Scarlet - 9-16-2017 at 05:36 PM

I'm hoping xmbforum.org is bought. It looks more professional and serves the community better in my opinion. :)

Mark - 9-16-2017 at 05:44 PM

Are we the owners of the github username xmbforum?

Xian - 9-16-2017 at 05:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Scarlet  
I'm hoping xmbforum.org is bought. It looks more professional and serves the community better in my opinion. :)

I agree.

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Are we the owners of the github username xmbforum?

This is proble something lottos can answer. We should also try and email all the staff on this board to see what the consensus is.

I'm willing to purchase the domain name(s) also.

Mark - 9-16-2017 at 06:01 PM

Who would like to draft a letter?

Xian - 9-16-2017 at 06:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Who would like to draft a letter?

Not sure we need a letter. lottos can probly just email the Super Admins, Admins and all the moderators to see if they can look at this thread or if there are any interest from them.

Mark - 9-16-2017 at 06:05 PM

Works for me.

Xian - 9-16-2017 at 06:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Works for me.

Hopefully this gains some traction.

XMB 2.0 is long overdue!

Mark - 9-16-2017 at 07:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Works for me.

Hopefully this gains some traction.

XMB 2.0 is long overdue!

Very much agreed.

There's so may good and useful packages we can use to build a great piece of software!

Scarlet - 9-16-2017 at 08:23 PM

I think XMB 2.0 shouldn't do what all the other forums are trying to do, and instead remain simple and lightweight while being packed full of features, does anyone else agree with me? I dislike the forum format of Vanilla and Flarum, and also don't really like the way MyBB is heading.

I hope XMB 1.9.x last version will also be supported for legacy forums and such, even if for a while so people can upgrade and get support for some time before they have to migrate. :)

lottos - 9-16-2017 at 10:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Are we the owners of the github username xmbforum?

Not that I'm aware of. There was a Matt B who had an xmb repo for a supposed v2 release.

lottos - 9-16-2017 at 10:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  

Also, who owns xmbforum.com domain and would we be able to get it back?

the domain expired a month or two back, ientry no longer own it and whoever does has put the old iaventure home page back on.

lottos - 9-16-2017 at 11:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  

Then I see no reason not to buy xmbforum.org

Consider it done.

lottos - 9-16-2017 at 11:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Who would like to draft a letter?

Not sure we need a letter. lottos can probly just email the Super Admins, Admins and all the moderators to see if they can look at this thread or if there are any interest from them.

I can't - I'm a moderator, I have no access to the forum backend, nor phpmyadmin. While I registered this domain and host the static content, Microgroove, the last active dev actually hosts this forum.
I can email him and inform him of the revived interest.

Mark - 9-17-2017 at 07:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lottos  
Quote: Originally posted by Xian  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Who would like to draft a letter?

Not sure we need a letter. lottos can probly just email the Super Admins, Admins and all the moderators to see if they can look at this thread or if there are any interest from them.

I can't - I'm a moderator, I have no access to the forum backend, nor phpmyadmin. While I registered this domain and host the static content, Microgroove, the last active dev actually hosts this forum.
I can email him and inform him of the revived interest.

That would be great, lottos.

Mark - 9-17-2017 at 07:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lottos  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Are we the owners of the github username xmbforum?

Not that I'm aware of. There was a Matt B who had an xmb repo for a supposed v2 release.

On the off chance that some random fella owns it, I've registered xmbforums, which isn't as ideal but close enough.

Scarlet - 9-17-2017 at 08:56 AM

Yeah @lottos you should consider emailing him about it as I'd really like to see him on the team again. :3

@Mark Oh, cool. :D

John Briggs - 9-17-2017 at 04:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
Quote: Originally posted by John Briggs  
I am good. Thinking about digging up my xmb archives and trying to relearn php and port some of my old mods to the latest version. Life is as good as can be. No complaints.:cool:

Sounds good! I've been a professional full-stack dev for the last 6 years now, maybe thinking about having a relook at XMB, and seeing if I can jazz it up with some more advanced features.

XMB can use great people like you and Xian again for sure so I hope you guys do so. Glad to hear career is going well too. :) Don't be a stranger and please keep in touch.

Scarlet - 9-17-2017 at 06:06 PM

XMB would use them, but would never abuse them. :3

Mark - 9-19-2017 at 05:09 PM

lottos, did you get a chance to send an email to microgroove?

lottos - 9-19-2017 at 10:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  
lottos, did you get a chance to send an email to microgroove?

Yes, got a response too!

yeah saw some code posted to the bug tracker. quite a bit actually. I'll try to look within a week. Life's been crazy with the hurricane and work and other projects.

Scarlet - 9-20-2017 at 06:28 AM


I'm literally fanboying inside hoping for the best. Was miqrogroove caught up in the hurricane (or a relative/friend), then?

Also, @Mark, are you gonna commit the stuff to the github repository you made?

lottos - 9-21-2017 at 07:27 AM

Looking back, Daniel had a nice looking version that appeared to be possibly responsive then he disappeared...

From some of the screenshots he posted showing his desktop, looks like he was/is on Facebook.

Also if this is him, he did another php project: https://github.com/DanielGouveia

Scarlet - 9-21-2017 at 07:31 AM

I'm not permitted to view that thread, apparently.

lottos - 9-21-2017 at 07:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Scarlet  
I'm not permitted to view that thread, apparently.

Here is a copy:

Scarlet - 9-21-2017 at 11:24 AM

Still says the same thing... mind moving it into social discussions?

lottos - 9-21-2017 at 11:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Scarlet  
Still says the same thing... mind moving it into social discussions?

Sheesh! Should be viewable now!

Scarlet - 9-21-2017 at 02:06 PM

I think it looks a bit too modern to be XMB 1.x series, but it looks really good anyway. :)

Maybe some of the features given could be worked as hacks or for the future 2.0 release? It'd be nice if the 2.0 release was a complete rewrite of the codebase to comply with modern PHP standards while being lightweight and fast for many users and packed with features. x')

When I get some free time and look on tutorialspoint for a PHP tutorial I will definitely start learning and contributing back to this community. I already managed to refer a friend (MoonlightCapital) to the community and he might be able to help out somewhat, although his PHP skill is fairly limited in terms of flexibility.

Mark - 9-21-2017 at 07:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Scarlet  
It'd be nice if the 2.0 release was a complete rewrite of the codebase to comply with modern PHP standards while being lightweight and fast for many users and packed with features. x')

It will be - 100%

Scarlet - 9-21-2017 at 08:32 PM

I hope it is just as awesome and stays true to 1.x series of XMB forum.

lottos - 9-21-2017 at 09:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Scarlet  
I think it looks a bit too modern to be XMB 1.x series, but it looks really good anyway. :)

Yeah, Daniel did say in one of his posts later in the topic that it would be v2.

Scarlet - 9-22-2017 at 06:27 AM

Oh, nice. Well I hope it lives up to the XMB name once the v2 is re-developed.

PHP/MySQL dev here

DBieniek - 9-23-2017 at 05:06 AM

Hello, I am currently employed as the lead systems engineer (a game server hosting company startup). Although my job at PHS primarily focuses on maintaining servers, I have been a long time XMB user/PHP & SQL developer (in addition to C#, C/99 and VB.NET).

I was disheartened to see XMB taking the turn it was, and am very excited to see interest in the project once again.

I would love to help in any way I can!

Scarlet - 9-23-2017 at 11:47 AM

Cool! Hope you stick around, we're all a nice bunch who have remained loyal to xmb and now that something is happening I hope you can be a useful member of the team.

MoonlightCapital - 9-23-2017 at 12:40 PM

You summoned me?

Anyways, i'm open to help but i don't know if i can do it. First off, i need to learn a bit how the system works here in order to be able to contribute. I'm not a huge fan of XMB but if it gets modern i may resign my thoughts.

Scarlet - 9-23-2017 at 12:54 PM

By 'system' he means how the codebase is structured and such. :)

We're aiming to make XMB Forum more modern as time goes on, that's the point of the revival. Nice to see you here, by the way. x')

If I want to make myself useful I'll share this forum with some people hopefully and maybe get more people on the team.

DBieniek - 9-23-2017 at 04:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Scarlet  
Cool! Hope you stick around, we're all a nice bunch who have remained loyal to xmb and now that something is happening I hope you can be a useful member of the team.

Thanks :)

Seems like a great community, and really looking forward to working with you all

lottos - 9-27-2017 at 09:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mark  

On the off chance that some random fella owns it, I've registered xmbforums, which isn't as ideal but close enough.

xmbforums.org or some other domain extension?

Mark - 9-28-2017 at 06:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lottos  
Quote: Originally posted by Mark  

On the off chance that some random fella owns it, I've registered xmbforums, which isn't as ideal but close enough.

xmbforums.org or some other domain extension?

I meant the github organisation:thumbup:

IbizaFlame - 12-20-2017 at 02:20 PM

Greetings all,

I felt the need to post this as I see there is some renewed interest in XMB and some questions about the iEntry aspect of XMB. I feel that I dealt with them more than most people here, save for perhaps John - and might be able to offer some context.

I should start by approaching John with a public apology. I along with a few others ran hot against him regarding some business decisions with XMB (I can't for the life of me remember what) and we basically petitioned iEntry to oust him. Much of my memory during my time with XMB is blurry - but there are some things that still stand out. Mainly that it is my impression and belief that Richard and Aventure were part of a campaign that just basically destroyed the XMB title altogether.

As I remember it, Richard had some affirmation that XMB was a product that was explicitly owned by Aventure Media and co. Because of this he would occasionally harp at people who forked it (I seem to recall he and Jim at XMBG didn't get along, and that may be what influenced me to be so short with John too - because Richard was). For the last six months maybe of Aventure's "ownership" of XMB, another admin and I were both "employed" by Aventure and ran customer service for them. It was discussed that Aventure was somehow selling XMB to iEntry for a sum of something along the lines of $20,000 USD (I feel there may be an extra 0 in that figure, but that seems to be where my mind is going).

At any rate, iEntry had brought in John, myself, and others to work on the project. Eventually it wound up being me, and two other admins - and if I remember right we put out either 1.9.10, or an RC of 1.9.11 (again, fuzzy memory). Within those two branches we had ideas for built-in-modded designs which would serve as the half step between 1.9 and 2.0. Once time got to be an issue and we all broke away, whatever happened with iEntry here happened.

What happened after that was a few months or a year maybe later, I approached iEntry again offering services for XMB. I had been informed that the original project manager was no longer employed with the company. Mike promised me two dedicated developers, and iEntry support to move forward in an XMB 2.0 project. I again pushed the idea that we'd have a modded mid-release while waiting for 2.0 as a way of keeping interest (that would include the fixes in the last 1.9.11 branch with the modifications I had put up for the original branch). Well, a month went by...no devs. Then two months...no devs. Three months...four...keeping in mind I had help wanted posts on the forum too during this time. Finally, I just left. No announcement or anything - with no support and no devs there was nothing I could do. Two months after that, iEntry had pulled the plug on XMB altogether it seems.

At any rate, I invested my time in XMB - and I'm personally done with it. I don't know really if what development I did do was worth a damn (I know Maciek was always shooting down all of my ideas before he departed) - I haven't touched a line of code now probably in six or so years. It would be kind of cool to see things moving forward - but I can also see how anyone making an attempt will be fighting an uphill battle. Other softwares, and the shift to social media have made things much more complex than in the days where XMB was fit.

It will be interesting to see where all of this ends up.

Either way, good luck all - some of us "veterans" are watching you!


kuba1 - 12-20-2017 at 10:55 PM

Wow ... so many blast from the past names in your post. Jim XMBG John ... Briggs? iEntry got extremely weird with us and Xmbforum2 was born. I got here during 1.9.9 development. I was getting emailed, today, that people were working on things so I popped in to see. What was your original handle, here? Aventure was gone or going when I arrived, but iEntry I had dealings with ....

kuba1 - 12-22-2017 at 02:41 AM

You must be Train from the old days .... you left after 1.9.9 and returned to the old site after iEntry torched us. Interesting ....

bluebaka92 - 1-6-2018 at 12:51 AM

I'm revisiting XMB after I checked the forum today for the first time since September. Happy to see the project revived. I may experiment with some theming in the near future.

Toshi - 6-21-2019 at 06:15 AM

...so is there anyone who might start working on XMB. I was a part of the community back before Aventure bought XMB (around 2005-2008). Also a couple guys that I knew span off from XMB making another forum script.

Like it's said, XMB is (was) one of the best forum script where you can change as you wish. I have never seen such an easy-manoeuvrable script to the day. Would love to see how it goes.

Having said that, only previous post was one year old - so probably nothing is going to happen, leaving me with very much nostalgia for good and old days.

miqrogroove - 9-19-2020 at 02:38 PM

Just dropping a promo here for 1.9.12 Beta. We are shaking out most of the bugs now and should have a 2nd beta ready before October. Testers and translators needed and appreciated.