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Need Help!!

strghtjckt - 11-11-2013 at 06:35 AM

I know that in the past someone posted a way to put these in a new table under the navigation. I have an idea what to move but I dont want mess anything up.

Last active: 11-10-2013 at 10:25 PM

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Thanks in advanced

Mouser - 11-11-2013 at 07:18 PM

This is what I wrote about that a long time ago :)

Quote: Originally posted by Mouser  
Have you done any modifications to your header ?

I once posted a "hack" for this, as it was a much requested modification.
It's on CVS , but I don't have a client installed (yet).

Could you attach your header.php and header template in a txt file?

strghtjckt - 11-12-2013 at 02:56 AM

I sure can. I have added a few modifications but not too many.

Attachment: header.php (34kB)
This file has been downloaded 587 times

Attachment: header.txt (2kB)
This file has been downloaded 304 times