// Debug-mode
* To turn on DEBUG mode (you can then see ALL queries done at the bottom of each screen (except buddy-list & u2u)
* just uncomment this variable. These queries are ONLY visible to the user currently loading that page
* and ONLY visible to Super Administrators. Comment first line and uncomment second line to use debug mode.
define('DEBUG', FALSE);
// define('DEBUG', TRUE);
* To enable logging of all MySQL errors (necessary in the case of registration, login, or captcha errors), comment first
* line and uncomment second line. Note the log file will be visible to the public unless it is protected
* by your web server configuration. The file name will be 'error_log' unless you change the PHP configuration.
* If the chmod settings of this directory prevent file Write then the log will not be created.
// define('LOG_MYSQL_ERRORS', TRUE);
//IP Range Banning
$banned_ranges = array (
// Do not edit below this line.
// ---------------------------
?> |