XMB Forum Software

Avatar Gallery Iuuse

Phil1ooo - 4-24-2013 at 09:03 AM


I have installed the Avatar Gallery Hack which works fine on my main forum but it doesn't work for the Sub-domain forums.

The image/folder path is not found. I've tried adding the /sub-name/ to the img path but that doesn't work either.

Can you help with a solution please.

NOTE (which may help with solving this problem)

My profiles are set to using 1 single sql data base for all the forums/sub-forums. I was hoping that this wouldn't affect this hack but if it does then is it possible to add this to work using the same membership controls as for all the rest so that the chosen avatar is the same no matter which forum they are on.


Phil1ooo - 4-25-2013 at 01:56 AM

Got this working now,, Cheers

Working with all forums under a single account.

lottos - 4-26-2013 at 12:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Phil1ooo  
Got this working now,, Cheers

Working with all forums under a single account.

Well done!

Perhaps post up how you did it in case others want multiple xmb's the way you have done it.

Phil1ooo - 4-26-2013 at 12:50 AM

let me solve some of these other issues with making all the domains work the way I want them to and I'll look into doing just that.

It involves quite a few changes to both some files and sql db as well and mostly done manually for each script/domain though.

you can check it out here if you like www.ozyforums.com.au