XMB Forum Software

Member Approval Hack change

cville22903 - 10-30-2012 at 08:47 PM

On the "Hack Page" there is a great member Approval Hack. But it uses U2U to notify the Super Administrator of a pending member.

Is there a hack to the hack so that the Super Admin will get notification by email instead?

I have a military site and it attracts mostly us grey haired vets. The board doesn't get used that much so I do not log onto that often. An email would be great.

lottos - 10-31-2012 at 12:09 PM

This has not been tested.
Make a backup copy of member.php then edit member.php and upload after changing youremail@yourdomain.com to your actual email address-


altMail($subs['email'], $lang['textsubsubject'].' '.$rawsubject, $username.' '.$lang['textsubbody']." \n".$threadurl, "From: $bbname <$adminemail>");


Insert after:

altMail('youremail@yourdomain.com', 'New member : ' $username .' '. $full_url, $headers);