XMB Forum Software

[Resolved] Move "Login/Logout" and user info

BrokenFEMALE - 9-23-2012 at 10:19 PM

I was unsure where to post this so if it's in the wrong place, sorry about that.

I have been searching to find a way to move the "Login/Logout", "user info" from the right of the table to either under the logo/banner or have it placed in its own header/table under the logo/banner. I designed a banner for my forum but the login/logut and other text are on the right and it throws off my design.

I'm not sure which version of XMB I have because the footer text does not show the version. It just says Powered by XMB. If anyone can tell me how to find out the version I won't mind getting the info for you if this will help answer my question.

Mouser - 9-24-2012 at 08:25 AM

Have you done any modifications to your header ?

I once posted a "hack" for this, as it was a much requested modification.
It's on CVS , but I don't have a client installed (yet).

Could you attach your header.php and header template in a txt file?

BrokenFEMALE - 9-25-2012 at 03:37 AM

I haven't touched anything yet on my site. i found the header.php file in the forum main directory, is this the correct one you wanted? i didn't see a header template file, where do i find that one?

Attachment: header.txt (27kB)
This file has been downloaded 1437 times

Mouser - 9-25-2012 at 07:13 AM

Admin Panel --> Templates --> header

BrokenFEMALE - 9-25-2012 at 06:04 PM

found it and its has been attached

Attachment: adminheader.txt (2kB)
This file has been downloaded 279 times

Mouser - 9-27-2012 at 07:14 AM

Ok, this has been a very long time for me... So if I don't get it right the first time... Please don't be mad ;)

Attachment: header.template.txt (2kB)
This file has been downloaded 305 times

Attachment: header.php (26kB)
This file has been downloaded 433 times

Please also edit ./include/functions.inc.php
Find (line 2304)
return '<img src="'.$imgdir.'/top_search.gif" alt="'.$lang['altsearch'].'" border="0" /> <a href="search.php'.$fid.'"><font class="navtd">'.$lang['textsearch'].'</font></a> &nbsp; ';

Replace with
return '<img src="'.$imgdir.'/top_search.gif" alt="'.$lang['altsearch'].'" border="0" /> <a href="search.php'.$fid.'">'.$lang['textsearch'].'</a> &nbsp; ';

BrokenFEMALE - 9-27-2012 at 07:57 PM

Thanks. It looks good and you did a great job but I have one more thing to ask. Is it possible to edit the header so there's no space between the banner and the part where login/logout is? There's a gap but I think I rather have those 2 parts together. I attached a preview for you that shows the space.

headerpreview.png - 63kB

Mouser - 10-10-2012 at 06:16 PM

BrokenFEMALE ,

Please check my updated post for a little fix (the instructions for functions.inc.php).

Also, here is a TXT file for you. See if that does the trick :)

Attachment: header.template.BrokenFEMALE.txt (2kB)
This file has been downloaded 243 times

BrokenFEMALE - 10-10-2012 at 09:07 PM

Ok first I tried the fix with the functions.inc.php file. When i replaced the small code on line 2304, for some reason the entire forum would not show up, it was just a blank page. So I put back the default coding for line 2304 and that fixed it back to normal. Then I edited my header template with the new text file you provided and that has removed the gap between the banner and the login/logout text. Do I still need to add that coding to line 2304 in the functions.inc.php?

Mouser - 10-11-2012 at 07:05 AM

The functions.inc.php modification is only 1 thing : removing the FONT tag. To make that link look like the others.

See the screenshot. That's what the find/replace should do. Remove the grey selected FONT tags.

remove-grey-selected-areas.png - 132kB

BrokenFEMALE - 10-11-2012 at 11:10 AM

I retried and edited the code and it appears to have fixed the banner and login/logout text the way I wanted it. I am all set now. Thank you!

Mouser - 10-14-2012 at 08:31 PM

No problem. Glad to hear :D