XMB Forum Software

[Resolved] Spammers

gagf - 4-11-2012 at 05:22 AM

Full Board URL: http://www.gagunforum.com/
XMB Version: 1.9.11

What can i do to keep spammers of my site? I usually get 3 every week. They register, list a website , and usually post a real long thread about some kind of handbag or something crazy. You can't even read half of what they post , i'm getting tired of manually going through members to find them and remove them

Any help would be appreciated. TIA

vlonjat4ever - 4-11-2012 at 02:26 PM

Go to Adminstration Panel , click Settings and scroll down to User Control
Find E-mail verification (e-mail random password)? and set it to ON

gagf - 4-11-2012 at 11:09 PM

will that keep them from doing it. It's not autobots it's people that are doing it , usually from xxxx@gmx.com

Captcha is on and that isn't helping i will try this

kuba1 - 4-11-2012 at 11:28 PM

Nothing will be 100% in stopping people from spamming your board. This hack is a must .... it will help to control Moderation System

Using the moderation system along with email verification is about all one can do.

Also in admin panel >> settings set "Allow duplicate mails?" to off. so, when you ban someone they cannot reregister using the same email address.

Passthru - 4-12-2012 at 05:33 AM

these will help a TON, install mods "Moderation System" and "Member Approval". use both or either one, personally i like the member approval. the first post must be approved by you before it is visible on the forums.

gagf - 4-13-2012 at 12:42 AM

email verification does not help at all, with captcha on . . no luck

i don't want to do anything that will turn potential real users away , and make it aggravating for them to join and post

lottos - 4-13-2012 at 06:39 AM

In member.php you can alter the php to exclude members joining from specific email domains.

gagf - 4-13-2012 at 08:35 PM

everyone of them have had an email from xxxxx@gmx.com

lottos - 4-13-2012 at 11:40 PM

In member.php look for code that looks something like this:

if (false === $test->check_email_address($rawemail)) {



Add below:

// don't allow specific email domain addresses
$email_spams = array('gmx.com','mailinator.com'); // just add known domains you want to exclude
$spamdomain = strtolower(substr($email, strpos($email,'@')+1));
if(in_array($spamdomain,$email_spams)) {

TEST, if works, say thanks!

Adam - 4-17-2012 at 09:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lottos  
In member.php look for code that looks something like this:

if (false === $test->check_email_address($rawemail)) {



Add below:

// don't allow specific email domain addresses
$email_spams = array('gmx.com','mailinator.com'); // just add known domains you want to exclude
$spamdomain = strtolower(substr($email, strpos($email,'@')+1));
if(in_array($spamdomain,$email_spams)) {

TEST, if works, say thanks!

I thought XMB already had this built in?

Admin Panel -> Restriction Manager:

To restrict the use of a username or e-mail address, enter the details below

You may wish to restrict the use of a certain names such as admin, owner etc

You can simply enter the domain, and check the partial box.

gagf - 4-20-2012 at 07:39 PM

i tried the restriction manager but it didn't keep them out