XMB Forum Software

[New] inserting Raw SQL

Passthru - 3-10-2012 at 07:31 AM

Full Board URL: www.finfeatherandfur.net/forums/
XMB Version: 1.9.11

hmmm, been trying to do a couple mods. u2u welcome and moderation system. Both requires inserting raw SQL, when i click the submit button i get a 403 forbidden page.
Should i be able to go to phpmyadmin and run the sql from there? i may be wrong but i tried anyhow, it fails and it tells me tables do not exist, course i dont know if i should be doing that in there or not.
or is this a host issue? need advice, keep in mind im not to savy with server stuff. thankfully im starting a new site, and i am in no hurry at all, not even going to promote it for some time.

lottos - 3-10-2012 at 10:34 AM

Inserting sql through the admin area of xmb usually entails table names starting with $table_tablename, eg:

whereas in phpadmin you need to look at the table names under the database name and use that naming convention, eg:

If the mod started with something like
ALTER table $table_u2u

then via phpadmin you would change it to
ALTER table xmb_u2u

Passthru - 3-11-2012 at 02:35 AM

So, this:

CREATE TABLE $table_new_attachments LIKE $table_attachments;

Should look like this?

CREATE TABLE xmb_new_attachments LIKE xmb_attachments;

Passthru - 3-11-2012 at 02:42 AM

ahhh yes, i think i got it Obi-wan kenobi.:)