XMB Forum Software

Moderatror Approve New User Posts

Aerosmith - 3-1-2012 at 11:21 PM

OK I have been out of circulation for a bit and as of right now I do not run any XMB forums, however one of my clients who does has asked me if there is a way to set new users posts to have posts be approved. I cannot recall if that is a standard feature, an existing hack, or something that needs to be written if it is really needed. Comments?

Kellter - 3-2-2012 at 12:06 AM

Try the one below, it:

All posts by new members will be held for per-member moderation until approved or deleted.
All posts by anonymous users (if allowed) will be held for per-post moderation until approved or deleted.
All posts in the specified forum(s) will be held for per-post moderation until approved or deleted.
Only Super Moderators and Administrators may use the moderation interface.
A front page message will be displayed to staff when there are messages in queue for moderation.
A viewthread message will be displayed to members when their own replies are in queue for moderation in that thread.
A forumdisplay message will be displayed to members when their new threads are in queue for moderation in that forum.

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Aerosmith - 3-2-2012 at 04:24 PM
